Partner - Programs Management

What are Programs and M&E APP?

 · 3 min read

What are Programs and M&E APP?

Learn About Programs and M&E Management:

What are they? Importance of Programs and M&E APP, Who they will improve may NGOs Organization?

  1. Programs and M&E Management is a program developed by the Partner team in the ERPNext system.

Recently, due to the circumstances that the country is going through, we have noticed that many organizations working in the humanitarian sector have opened, which aims to help those affected by the war, whether they are HC or IDPs.

Because of the large number of beneficiaries who are targeted at the level of every project or every service provided by these organizations, work pressure increases and problems in controlling projects and following up the desired indicators of each project, which may sometimes cause some projects to falter.

Through many organizations communicating with us and touching their needs, the application for project management, M&E was developed and built.

In this blog, the most important features that the application provides for all organizations will be reviewed:

1. Project Proposal:

We also know that there must be a way for the organization to reach the donors and ask for money from them to start implementing the projects, and this initial communication in most cases only takes place through the project proposal that is presented by the organization and presented to the donor and the project proposal is the details of the project that the organization wants Application and implementation on the ground, and after submission, a study is conducted by the donor to look at whether he deserves funding or not, and in the event that it is approved by the donor, the money is delivered to the organization, and the implementation of the project will begin.

Project structure is different from one donor to another based on their requirements and submission forms. In general, project proposals must include several essential sections to be considered complete and provide the required information desired by the donor to decide whether or not to accept the proposal.

As we can see in the picture above, project proposals are added here and all their details are entered with the possibility of attaching files for the project proposal, for the purpose of archiving.

2. Logical Framework:

The Logical Framework, or what some shortened to the logframe, which is the results and realizations of the required project and achieved them.

The Logical Framework consists of:

  1. Impact - (Objective).
  2. Outcome.
  3. Output.
  4. Indicators.
  5. Activities.

2.1 Impact - (Objective):

Impact is the impact resulting from the project, but sometimes it will not appear and it is measured only after the end of the project according to the project scope and budget.

2.2 Outcome:

It is the change that occurs mainly on the affected people by the problem because of the project and not the groups responsible for the problem. So the affected people - if the damage on them is removed- will become beneficiaries of the project only. For them we implemented the project to address their problem.

2.3 Output:

Outputs are the products or services that we get directly after the implementation of activities and before any change happens to the beneficiaries. Also, outputs are the impact that mainly happens to the targeted groups/ groups responsible for the problems and not the beneficiaries of the project.

The data is entered through the screen of Objective, Outcome, and Output , and where it is possible to view it in a tree:

2.4 Indicators:

An indicator is a tool used to measure the achievement level of implementing activities, as well as outputs and outcomes.

We also know that what matters to the donor is the mechanism of the organization’s achievement of the indicators proposed in the project proposal, the measurement of the level of achievement at the level of each indicator, and the support for achieving the indicator.

Where what we have used is the indicators achievement reports with the possibility of adding the confirmations at the level of each indicator.

Logframe Summary Report:

In this report, we can see the logframe for the project as a tree diagram and find out what has been achieved in the indicators and activities.


Using the dashboard tool, you can easily create a dashboard for any screen to easily access reports.

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